
Tuesday 7 September 2021

Is Stress Lowering Your Testosterone Levels?

Hormone balance can be impacted by many different factors. Aging, diet, genetics, weight, medications and many other factors can create hormonal imbalances in both men and women. For men, low testosterone is a concern for many reasons, from how it affects sex drive and libido to the effect on muscle mass, fat accumulation and energy levels. One of the factors that can impact testosterone is stress levels. If you experience high stress on a consistent basis, it could be impacting your testosterone levels.

Cortisol: Stress Hormone

The main reason stress can affect testosterone is due to cortisol, the most prevalent stress hormone. Cortisol is released by the adrenal cortex when you are in a stressful situation to help your body fight back. This is the “fight or flight” response and is meant to help you survive life-threatening situations. While it can be useful in an emergency or short-term stressful situation, if you have long-term stress from your job, relationship or other factors, too much cortisol can become a problem.

Both cortisol and testosterone are aggressive hormones that compete against each other – when cortisol levels are high, testosterone levels tend to be low. Both need cholesterol for formation, so if there is a constant need for cortisol, the cholesterol is used for making this hormone, not for testosterone. Cortisol also suppresses testosterone production in the hypothalamus.

Stress Behavior and Testosterone

On top of the cortisol factor and how it impacts testosterone, there are other reasons stress can lower testosterone. When you are stressed, it can lead to behaviors that can also impact testosterone production. Overeating, lack of exercise, drinking alcohol, smoking and other coping mechanisms that may be used to combat stress can result in lower testosterone.

Low “T” or Testosterone Treatment

Reducing stress in your life or finding better coping mechanisms can help improve your testosterone levels. However, it may be beneficial to seek hormone therapy to restore the correct testosterone levels in your body. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we offer hormone testing and testosterone injections that can help you overcome low testosterone, or “low T,” caused by stress. Call our office in Phoenix to schedule your hormone therapy consultation today.


Thursday 2 September 2021

Are Peptides the Key to Anti-Aging?

Aging is a fact of life, but the more we learn about it, the more we can slow the process. Aging of the skin, bones, joints and other tissues occurs greatly because of lower levels of certain substances in the body. Most people have heard of collagen and how it impacts the aging of the skin. Now, more is being learned about how many different peptides, including collagen and others like ipamorelin, are factors in aging and may even offer anti-aging benefits.

What Are Peptides?

Peptides and protein are similar – both contain amino acids and are needed for repairing tissue in the body. The main difference is the number of amino acids. Protein contains over 50 amino acids where peptides have less than 50. Because peptides are smaller, they are easier to break down and utilize by the body. Peptides can be consumed in food or made in the body. Some of the peptides produced in the body have been shown to have some incredible capabilities, including anti-aging traits.

Peptides, Growth Hormones and Aging

One of the functions of peptides is stimulating the production of growth hormone. Growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs) like ipamorelin produce growth hormone in the body. Growth hormone production peaks in adults in the twenties and levels go downhill after that. Growth hormone helps with muscle mass, fat loss and tissue repair, which can include skin, joints and other areas prone to aging.

There is still more to learn about the different types of peptides our bodies use and how they impact our health, aging and other factors. What we do know is that supplementing peptides can give our body what it needs to make growth hormones that can improve the strength of our bones, muscles, skin and other tissues, which can help us maintain a higher quality of life as we age.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of peptide supplementation, come see us at Arcadia Wellness Center. We offer peptide supplementation for improved fitness and health, including ipamorelin. Call our office in Phoenix to schedule a consultation to discuss peptide and anti-aging treatments.


Tuesday 24 August 2021

Are Your Hands Suffering from Summer?

You may shade your face and cover your body in clothing or sunscreen, but your hands are almost always exposed to the Arizona sun. The UV rays, heat and constant hand washing all take their toll on your skin and hands during the summer. By the end of August, your hands may look years older than they did back in the spring. Rejuvenate your hands and make them appear years younger with one of our cosmetic hand treatments at Arcadia Wellness Center in Phoenix.

Hand Laser Treatments

The skin on your hands is constantly exposed to UV rays that can cause sun damage. The majority of skin aging is due to UV rays, including wrinkles and age spots that are common problems on the hands. If you have noticed that your hands have new brown spots or the skin is losing its elasticity, laser treatments may be the solution.

Both intense pulsed light (IPL) and laser skin resurfacing treatments can be beneficial for rejuvenating the skin on the hands. IPL laser treatments, also called photo facial, are excellent for removing pigmentation on the skin such as age or brown spots. IPL treatments can also improve the texture of the skin for a more youthful appearance. Laser skin resurfacing can stimulate collagen production to reduce wrinkles and improve skin density.

Hand Filler Injections

Sun exposure can accelerate the skin aging process, including the skin on your hands. If you notice that your hands look older with visible veins and a boney or wrinkled appearance, filler infections are a quick solution. Adding dermal fillers under the skin on the backs of your hands can plump the skin for a smoother, more youthful appearance. The results are usually immediate and can last for several months or longer, depending on the filler used.

If summer was rough on your hands or aging is taking its toll, come see us at Arcadia Wellness Center in Phoenix. Hand rejuvenation treatments can restore a softer, more youthful appearance to your hands. Call today to schedule your appointment.


Thursday 19 August 2021

Benefits of Concierge Medical Care for Wellness

Many people are taking charge of their health and wellness and opting for customized medical care that meets their specific needs. Concierge Medical Care is becoming more common, offering more personalized options than the standard medical care options offered by most HMOs and insurance-driven medical practices. There are many benefits to seeking Concierge Medical Care options. Learn what it is and some of the advantages of this type of program.

What Is Concierge Medical Care?

Concierge Medical Care is a service offered by some medical practices or practitioners that provides a more inclusive set of options for medical care. There are different rules and stipulations for each program, but most offer access to more customized care options for a set fee or retainer. The idea is to give patients more direct access to their medical provider to ask questions, schedule appointments and receive more personalized care than a standard medical practice.

Advantages of Concierge Medical Care

Most people know the frustration of waiting for days, weeks or even months for a medical appointment or feeling like they are rushed through an appointment due to time restrictions. Concierge Medical Care offers patients the opportunity to have health care on their own terms. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we offer Concierge Medical Care for a monthly fee which gives our patients more options when it comes to their wellness visits. Some advantages of our program include:

  • All wellness and primary care visits are covered by the monthly fee
  • Patients have direct access to the practitioner – you can call or email Sarah Quinn, NP with any medical or wellness concerns
  • Expanded appointment times – after hours or weekend appointments are available
  • Perfect for anyone with a hectic, busy lifestyle that needs flexibility in their wellness care
  • Cost-effective – one set fee can be less expensive than paying for multiple appointments each month

If you are tired of medical care visits that seem rushed or make you work your schedule around appointment times, Concierge Medical Care may be perfect for you. To learn more about our convenient and cost-effective AWC Concierge Medical Care option, call our office for information.


Tuesday 10 August 2021

Post-COVID-19 Recovery: Take Back Your Health

As of the end of July, there have been almost a million cases of COVID-19 in Arizona. Many people have experienced this virus and suffered the effects on their health and immune system. There still is so much that is not known about COVID-19 and what the long-term effects are on health. Those that survive the infection may have lasting impacts on their health. If you have had COVID-19, there are ways to boost your health and immune system. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we offer post-COVID-19 recovery services to help you take back your health.

Post-COVID recovery is different for each person. Some people have few if any symptoms and seem to bounce back quickly. Others experience ups and downs for weeks, even months, with symptoms varying from respiratory problems to fatigue, weakness and pain. Long-term symptoms after COVID-19 can also include cognitive and psychological symptoms including memory loss, concentration issues, anxiety, depression and sleeping disorders. Replenishing lost nutrients can help the body recover faster and help boost the immune system to ward off other illnesses.

Immunity IV Therapy

One of the quickest ways to deliver nutrients to your body is through IV therapy. At AWC, we offer IV therapy options to boost immunity for patients in post-COVID recovery. Introducing fluids, vitamins and minerals directly to the bloodstream offers better absorption by bypassing the digestive system. The sessions take less than an hour and many of our clients notice improvements in their symptoms and overall wellness after their first IV therapy treatment.

Nutritional Supplements

Anytime your body suffers illness, it can be depleted in nutrients. COVID-19 infections can put stress on your body’s cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, using reserves of your stored nutrients. During post-COVID recovery and for long-term health, nutritional supplements can give the body optimal levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. At AWC, we offer nutrient testing to gauge your current health and a customized supplement program for your specific health needs.

Recovering from COVID-19 can be a long process. Give your body the nutrients and hydration it needs is important for faster recovery. To learn more about our post-COVID recovery services or to schedule an appointment, call our clinic in Phoenix.


Thursday 5 August 2021

Tighten, Tone and Trim Your Shape with Evolve

The shape of your body changes – aging, lifestyle, weight gain/loss and other factors all impact your shape. Age plays a major role in your skin, muscle and fat accumulation – as you get older, it is natural for the skin and body to lose firmness. The good news is that you can improve your body shape with the help of targeted treatments. At Arcadia Wellness Center in Phoenix, we offer InMode Evolve Tone, Tite and Trim treatments to reshape and firm your body.

What Is Evolve?

Evolve by InMode is a radiofrequency (RF) device that offers non-invasive skin and tissue remodeling. Using RF energy and other applications, Evolve has three treatments to reshape and firm the skin and body: Tone, Tite and Trim. The treatments can be targeted to specific trouble areas on the body that are experiencing sagging skin, cellulite or laxity. Most sessions can be completed in less than an hour and there is no pain or downtime with these treatments.

Tone and Shape Your Body

Do you want a firmer or flatter stomach? More defined buttocks or thighs? Evolve Tone uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contraction and impact the fibers. This is a wonderful treatment for areas that are difficult to tone with traditional exercise, toning and strengthening the muscles for an improved appearance.

Tite for Firmer Skin

Skin loses elasticity with age, and it can be stretched with weight gain and loss. If you have loose or sagging skin on your abdomen, thighs, upper arms or other body areas, Evolve Tite treatments may be a solution. Tite treatments deliver RF energy to remodel the skin and stimulate collagen production.

Trim for Fat and Cellulite

Do you have diet-resistant fat or bumpy areas of cellulite? Evolve Trim uses RF energy to heat fat cells combined with vacuum suction to smooth and shrink fatty areas. The treatment is comfortable and there is no recovery needed after your sessions. Trim can help smooth cellulite and reduce excess fat to reshape your flanks, thighs, arms, stomach or other areas.

Reshape your body with non-invasive Evolve treatments at Arcadia Wellness Center. Contact our team to schedule a consultation to discuss how to tighten, tone and trim your shape with Evolve.


Thursday 22 July 2021

Benefits of Vitamin D for Optimal Health

Vitamin D has been in the limelight over the last year. While other vitamins like A, B, C and E have all had their moments in the spotlight over the years, vitamin D was skipped and overlooked for its many health benefits. The COVID-19 pandemic brought more attention to vitamin D and its impact on the immune system, but that is not the only benefit of Vitamin D. Here are some of the benefits of vitamin D and how it can help you achieve optimal health.

Healthy Bones and Teeth

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health. It is vital for the absorption of calcium – without vitamin D, you cannot get the calcium need to grow new bone and prevent bone loss. Vitamin D should be paired with calcium to prevent osteoporosis and promote strong, healthy bones. Vitamin D is also needed for healthy teeth and the bones supporting teeth in the jaw for better oral health and a beautiful smile.

Stronger Immune System

When COVID-19 spread across the world in 2020, one of the variables that impacted how people reacted to the virus was their Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is valuable to supporting the immune system’s function when fighting offer viruses like COVID-19 and even the common flu. Studies have shown that regions prone to limited sunshine and lower levels of vitamin D in the population are at higher risk of viral infections and other respiratory illnesses. Even those with normal levels of vitamin D may benefit from supplementation to fight off certain viruses and respiration infections.

Reduce Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Risks

Lower levels of vitamin D have been linked to type 1 & 2 diabetes and hypertension or high blood pressure. Both diabetes and hypertension can increase risks for cardiovascular disease, the number one killer. Supplementing vitamin D can be part of a healthy lifestyle to prevent both diabetes and high blood pressure for a longer lifespan.

Weight Loss, Mood Enhancement and More

Vitamin D has been linked to many factors that contribute to overall health. Not only does taking vitamin D with calcium strengthen bones but it has been linked to appetite suppression and weight loss. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to depression, which may be due to its role in serotonin synthesis. Even certain cancer risks may be reduced with optimal vitamin D levels, such as breast, colorectal, prostate and pancreatic cancer.

There are many excellent health reasons to ensure your vitamin D levels are kept high. If you want to check your vitamin D levels, we offer nutrient lab testing at Arcadia Wellness Center and supplementation with IV therapy and other options. Call our office in Phoenix to schedule your appointment to learn more about achieving better health with vitamin D supplementation.
